
Red Ginseng Magic Oil
Масло красного женьшеня
Для всех типов кожи

Масло из корня 6-летнего красного женьшеня делает кожу увлажненной, мягкой, нежной и более эластичной. Подходит для чувствительной кожи и кожи с различными кожными проблемами. Масло быстро впитывается, не оставляет кожу липкой или жирной, помогает уменьшить морщины и повысить упругость кожи лица. Теперь ваша кожа похожа на кожу младенца...

Рекомендуется для зрелой кожи всех типов.

It's Korean Red Ginseng Relax Oil which tired and lifeless skin by the external environment becomes natural beautiful skin by quick moisturizing. This product is made from original Korean Red Ginseng (6years) and Various herbs good for Skin Health. The history of Korea Ginseng Corporation is integrated into the history of the Korean government since 1899.

All Workers who worked at the Korean Red Ginseng Factory for a long time have healthy, clean and younger skin. Because, Korean Red Ginseng contain various saponiningredients like Rb1, Rg1, Rg2 etc, which make the skin healthy and prevents aging. It's important to nourish the skin sufficiently to keep it glowing. Korean Red Ginseng also helps boost our blood circulation system, which also leads to clear, glowing and beautiful skin.

Korean Red Ginseng is referred to as "King of Herbs" . Korean Ginseng is the root of which has been taken as a Health Food and Luxury Cosmetics for over 3,000 years around the world. Long before Korean Ginseng was well-known to the Western general public, people from aristocratic and scientific classes knew about, wrote about, and showed their love for Korean Ginseng, regarding it as a natural medicine and Luxury Cosmetics and calling it the "Treasure from the Orient."

Brand : LLang

Продукт : #S54 LLang Red Ginseng Magic Oil

Для всех типов кожи

Стоимость: 1 саше 1 мл - 2 дол.

Производство: Южная Корея
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